Work In Progress:
Raine, Update 4
The next
step in the process is the transfer to the final paper. Rather than blacken the
back of the drawing I elected to blacken one side of a separate sheet of
tracing paper and use it to do the transfer. There are instances where the line
work on the front side is not clearly visible when the back is blackened, and
since accuracy is necessary, I didn’t want to take a chance on being able to
follow the line work, I used a separate sheet. I also didn’t want to go over
existing line work just to make it darker. In case it became necessary to
re-draw the head, I didn’t want to make unnecessary and possibly detrimental
marks on a drawing. I might want to use it again in the future.
Once the
sheet of tracing paper was blackened on one side with an HB pencil, I slipped
it between the drawing and the Sennelier pastel paper. I then carefully went
over the lines with a ball point pen. The pen had no ink in it, so no lines
were made on the drawing.
The first
step in the creation of this portrait was to produce a line drawing in pastel. I
re-drew the lines carefully with a CO burnt sienna pastel pencil and added
shading. At this stage the main shade masses are indicated generally and done
The next
step is stating the darks, mid tones and lights, again in general terms. I made
no attempt to fill in solidly, just lightly and generally again. This step is
to just map out the tones. I kept the darks a little lighter than in the photo,
and the mid tones and lights a little lighter. That would enable me to go
darker on the darks and lighter on the mid tones and lights as I progressed.
This gave me some leeway in both directions.
First, I placed in the lighter of
the darks in the face (shadows of the eye sockets, right lower cheek and chin, inner
part of the left cheek, and neck) with CO burnt sienna. Next, I used CO bister
very lightly for the darks in the hair and, even more lightly, on the lower
part of the right cheek, the right eye socket and on the lower neck, near the
To give some definition to the
mouth, I used CO bister for the interior of the mouth.
I will probably leave the remainder
of the hair now until I get most or all of the face finished.
The mid tones begin at the edges of
the shadows, separating the darks from the lights. I considered mid tones to be
the forehead, outer part of the left cheek, upper right cheek near the nose,
the nose and philtrum (area between the nose and upper lip), below the lower
lip and down on to the chin, and the outer edge of the neck. For the base color
of the mid tones I used FC light flesh.
The lights were done with FC ivory.
Here I mapped out the far right side of Raine’s face and also the very edge of
the neck just under the chin.
The lips were defined with FC
medium flesh, FC dark red and FC ivory. The eyes were colored in with FC light
ultramarine and FC chrome green opaque.
Now, I’ll go back to the face,
re-state the darks, mid tones and lights and continue to refine the features.
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