Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Work in Progress: Glade Creek Grist Mill, Update 14

Work In Progress: Glade Creek Grist Mill, Update 14

            I was finally able to get some time in this past weekend to do some work on the painting. I finished up on the conifers on the left and made some progress on the snow, rocks and frozen creek on the bottom left. More paynes grey was washed in over the area just below the conifer tree and I also darkened the grasses a bit. I built up the shadows in the snow with winsor blue and some paynes grey. The darks of the rocks were first painted in with paynes grey and then later finished with a combination of raw sienna, raw umber and some yellow ochre. The lighter areas of the bigger rock were accomplished by lifting some color before it was completely dry. Stippling of darker paint on the rock helped add some texture.

            The sunlit portions of the rocks facing the sunlight received very light washes of new gamboge but otherwise were left completely devoid of any color. The juxtaposition of slightly darker shades of paynes grey and winsor blue made the sunlit snow on the rocks seem brighter. All it takes is a little darker value next to white to bring it out.

            I’ve purposely left detail in some areas unfinished until the later stages of the painting to see what changes might be necessary as I relate one area to another.

            I’m going to continue my way across the painting from left to right, working in the still unfrozen water just to the right of the big rock at the bottom. I’ll also continue with the waterfall, working toward the right. Then I’ll start working in the trees on the right.

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